Daishi Kyokai

This facility is dedicated to disseminating the teachings and traditions of Kobo Daishi and Shingon Buddhism. Lectures and trainings are held all year around.
We are glad to share the teachings of Kobo Daishi with anyone from any countries.
The DaishiKyokai building is open to public for free.
This modern building was constructed in 1984 for the 1150th anniversary of Kobo Daishi's entrance into eternal meditation.
It contains three lecture halls and some other rooms.
The Main Hall, "Henjo-den" was built on February, 1915 for the 1,100th anniversary of Koyasan foundation.
It measures 18m in the width and 28m in the depth. This hall is dedicated to Kobo Daishi.
The biography of Kobo Daishi is depicted on 26 paintings on the wall.
What you can do here...
Copy a sutra with a calligraphy brush. Just trace each stroke of kanji on the Japanese paper. It takes about 30 minutes.
Application: Ask at the front desk.
Hour: Anytime from 8:30 to 16:OO
Fee: 1,500 jpy
Buddhist master gives the "Ten Good Precepts(JU ZEN KAI)" in a traditional manner in a ritual hall. When your name is called, please bow and receive a charm as a token of having received the precepts. It takes about 30 minutes.
Application: Ask at the front desk.
Hour: 9:OO, lO:OO, 11:OO, 13:OO, 14:OO, 15:OO, 16:OO
Fee: 1,000 jpy.
1. Fusessho: Do not kill and hurt any sentient beings.
2. Fuchuto: Do not steal anything public or that belongs to someone.
3. Fujain: Do not commit adultery.
4. Fumogo: Do not tell a lie.
5. Fukigo: Do not pay lip service to others.
6. Fuakku: Do not speak ill of theirs.
7. Furyozetsu: Do not speak with a double tongue nor lose trust.
8. Fukendon: Do not be greedy.
9. Fushinnin: Do not be furious.
10. Fujaken: Do not be wicked.
(*)Basically it is an initiation for Buddhist priests to follow.
However, here in Koyasan, not only Buddhist priests but anyone of any background may have a chance to receive the precepts and pledge to obey the regulations.
Our way of living may go wrong when we forget these precepts and
then eventually everything works wrong.
So the "Ten Good Precepts" should always be a role model for us to refer and could be the way of penance .